Astrology is a science and not a psueodo one.It is highly related to mathematics and physics.It is based on exact calculations to find out the placement of stars.As we all know ,heavenly bodies influence the nature,directly or indirectly.Moon causes tides,sun causes day and night etc.Indian astrologers is mainly based on 28 stars and their positions.For prediction,we need our accurate birth date.It is very difficult to get exact birth time.Each second will make big difference on prediction.Time is the main hero in astrology.It is a cause for inaccurate predictions.
True astrologists are very rare in this period.Many fraud astrologists spoiled this science.Prediction for money is familiar today.All these are the main reasons for the failure of predictions.
People in India especially hindus, are superstitious about astrology.They make unnecessary additions to the real scientific thing.After that they themselves begin to say that astrology is psuedo science and contains no points in it.
Every astrologer will give a prescription as a remedy for the in life.Usually it contains some poojas in temples.Many people cheated by them,pour large amount of money to these 'holy' dieties.This is awkward and needs a stop. Wearing birth stones is good.By science ,it affects the health of person very much.
If we get the correct time and date of birth with a genuine astrologer, the science could make correct prophecy.Otherwise astrology ,the ancient science come through generation is a psuedo science.Unfortunately all these drawbacks combined together.First of all, astrology is a science and a psuedo science,according to how we approach it.
True astrologists are very rare in this period.Many fraud astrologists spoiled this science.Prediction for money is familiar today.All these are the main reasons for the failure of predictions.
People in India especially hindus, are superstitious about astrology.They make unnecessary additions to the real scientific thing.After that they themselves begin to say that astrology is psuedo science and contains no points in it.
Every astrologer will give a prescription as a remedy for the in life.Usually it contains some poojas in temples.Many people cheated by them,pour large amount of money to these 'holy' dieties.This is awkward and needs a stop. Wearing birth stones is good.By science ,it affects the health of person very much.
If we get the correct time and date of birth with a genuine astrologer, the science could make correct prophecy.Otherwise astrology ,the ancient science come through generation is a psuedo science.Unfortunately all these drawbacks combined together.First of all, astrology is a science and a psuedo science,according to how we approach it.