Sunday, March 15, 2009


The most flabbergasted word now in our dailies is Terrorism. The violence unleashed in the cities of Bombay Ahmadabad and Kashmir was the ones which filled the dailies for the last few months. It is quite unbearable to see the pictures of the diseased in the dailies .The cannibalistic atrocities of the gangsters have now taken a u- turn. Their strategies are more or less inhuman and cynical.


Who is a terrorist?


There is a misconception about the terrorists. Before the sep.11 attack people believed that a terrorist is  one with long beard and a coxcomb. The attack on Taj proved that they are disguised in the plain dresses as we wear. So even a man on the street can be suspected for a terrorist, but it is not practical to do so. How can a terrorist be brought into the lights? It is only possible through the vigilance of the public. In Bangalore a number of bombs were defused only because of the vigilance of the public. There is a lot to do as a citizen of our nation and one is to keep it aloof from the hand s of the blood thirsty traitors and terrorists.


The attacks on our nation which presumably is done by our neighboring Pakistan and its terrorist organizations aim at disturbing the economic growth of our country. ISI and its allies are knocking Indian borders vigorously for a war but our patience is beyond the limit. There is a tendency among other countries to bombard the rivals in the name of terror but they are unaware that they themselves are committing terror by killing innocent people. There is no use in setting off for a battle of that sought. The innocent will suffer and terrorists will be in safe covers. The factor that induces the traitors to attack is that of the divinity they offer for the malpractice the do on others.

The statistics shows that almost 70% of the terrorists are hailing from low class families and the most astound thing is that most of them are teenagers.


Defining Terrorism is exactly like putting hands into hot water. So better not define it rather analyse it and try to curb its menace in the coming days. Many diplomats have pondered into the reason behind the terrorists making India their hot spot for attacks. The conclusion they came to was something reasonable. America after the 9/11 attack took stringent measures against conspirators; they gave it a title “Fight Against Terrorism”. The lives lost in the 9/11 attack was around 3000, to counter another attack of this magnitude American military culled almost 1 million lives. 3000:1million, does this make any sense. But this senselessness made America terror of the terrorists.